Amelia Earhart

Saturday, June 17, 2006

What luck has got to do with it

Last night, I watched a film called Match Point. For those who haven't seen it, it's about a middle-class tennis player (Jonathan Rhys Meyer) made good by marrying rich. He then shot his lover (Scarlett Johansson) and got away with it. His opening narration was: some people just get lucky.

To me, luck had always been a matter of perspective. But this lucky, or rather unlucky, predicament seems to have caught up with my old pals, whom I met up with earlier today.

C was involved in a gas accident last year. She unknowingly lit up a cigarette in the kitchen, where the gas stove had been left on. As a result, she received burns on her hands, legs and part of her face. She needed skin graft, eight operations, two months in bed, and physiotherapy to re-learn things normal, abled people take for granted everyday, like walking and feeding herself.

T is in deep financial trouble. Her dad died, leaving her straddled with a pile of hospital bills. Shortly after that, her mum suffered a stroke and needed treatment. Her brother moved out of the house, leaving her to clean up the mess all by herself. A few days ago, she was served a lawyer's letter for getting into an accident last year, while driving an uninsured car belonging to her late dad, of which she had no idea about. That's on top of her thryoid medication, tuition loan and monthly bills. She makes okay money as a marketing manager, and because of that, she doesn't qualify for any social assistance scheme. She's contemplating the possibility of having herself declared as a bankrupt.

They are two of the sweetest girls I've ever known in my life, and seeing them suffer hell on earth just seems all so unfair. On the other hand, some girls, whose dishonourable character I can vouch for, seem to be having all the fun.

Do some people have more luck than others?

I'm loathed to just even think about it.


Blogger Freckle Face Girl said...

Life is unpredictable and usually hard to understand. Only by looking back on incidents do you realize their purpose. Events (good & bad) shape who we are. It isn't fair, but your 2 friends with problems might end up doing more to help human kind than the partiers.

5:14 am  
Blogger Quodlibet said...

I saw that movie and found it frustrating... It is always the way: bad things seem to happen to good people. I'm sorry your friends are having such a rough time and one always hopes that things turn out okay or that something positive will come out of ones difficult life events.

7:24 am  
Blogger Amelia Earhart said...

Thanks, dearies, for your words of encouragement. I hope things will work out for my friends, too.

On my part, I'll do whatever I can to help them, and remind myself to appreciate my life more.

2:25 am  

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