Amelia Earhart

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Making a list

Inspired by, I thought I'd do up a list myself.

10 Things I Love About Young Children

1) They make you feel as though you are the most interesting person alive, when you're just humming tunes and making up lyrics as you go (hmm, does that put me in the same league as Barney?).

2) You just can't stay mad at them. Even after you tell them off, all's soon forgotten and they come running after you and smother you with hugs and kisses.

3) They stop crying the moment you pick them up and hold them close to you (and cry the moment you put them down).

4) They say no to everything you try to get them to do, but when you leave them alone and go about your business, they do exactly the things you want them to do.

5) They get excited at simple things, going aahs over a tiny stray spider (and don't touch it because you tell them it would hurt the animal).

6) They take your hands and proudly show you their work.

7)They run to their mummies and daddies, as though they have been missing their parents all their life when it's only been a day since they were apart (but when they are in school, you're the world to them).

8) They imitate the way you talk, the way you tell a story and even how you stand or move.

9) They crack you up with their silly antics, like jabbing their finger down your cleavage.

10) And they just look oh-so-adorable!


Blogger Freckle Face Girl said...

Kids are great. I love when they come up with an idea that makes you stop and think. Of course, my baby isn't at that stage yet.

9:35 pm  
Blogger Quodlibet said...

I really like 'other' people's kids! I'm not sure that I want any of my own, but they can be very cute!

6:45 am  
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