Amelia Earhart

Friday, October 20, 2006


It's hard to ignore the haze clouding Southeast Asia lately. Step out of the house and you're greeted with a foggy view. It appears a little romantic to me, perhaps because it reminds me of the misty mornings in Aachen (border of France and Germany) during my trip there four years ago.

Of course, the current weather condition is nothing like those fresh, dew-ed mornings. It's a serious environmental issue brought about by forest fires sparked off by Indonesian farmers out to clear the land for planting crops.

The local papers have gone to town with this news, reporting on how joggers, cruisers and families are being held hostage indoors. But really, it's worth much more dedicating the column spaces to discussing ways to avert the situation.

Everyone's miffed with Indonesia, because it's not an isolated incident due to unnatural causes. Leaders of the affected nations have met but have yet to come up with solutions. Certainly, the farmers have to be educated and agricultural experts have to provide an alternative.

But it's easier said than done. When you go over to your neighbour's and see some practices you don't like, you can only let your feelings be known, but it's really up to your neighbour to take action or not.

If the haze has taught anyone anything, it would be to be considerate, which has become such an understatement in today's increasingly individualistic world. It shouldn't be done just because it clouds your vision, but because it mars the bigger picture - the global environment.


Blogger pingcat said...

Wow, we are pretty lucky here, although one summer we had a lot of forest fires and the smoke from them threw a monkey wrench into my plans to go to a fly-in and land on turf. Oh well .... Winter will be here soon and sometimes, when it is clear, cold and sunny it is like you can see forever.

9:56 am  

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