I feel...
It's Sunday and it's really quiet (with no-one in the house). The sun is shining in, making the dust dance it its light. This is one of those moments when you catch yourself smiling.
It's incredible how things can change in such a short span of a few months - did I ever see it coming? Perhaps I did, but I refused to let it get in the way of living life and let it become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I'm at peace with the decision I had made then, in spite of the disappointment.
To celebrate the small things in life, here are the 10 things I love to 'feel':
1) Light rain shower pitter-pattering on my face, hands and neck
2) Being kissed lightly on the lips
3) Smoothing palms over satin
4) Stroking an almost clean-shaven head
5) A finger tracing down my back
6) Cool, gentle waves lapping over me
7) Kneading dough
8) Stroking animal's fur/feathers
9) Hands running through my hair
10) Rubbing palms together